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Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Noir 750ml

Fresh red berry, star anise, wild strawberry and pretty floral aromas combine with lovely bright red fruit, gentle spice and subtle creaminess. A pure expression of Central Otago Pinot Noir. Luscious and fruit focussed with great flavour and soft supple tannin.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 750ml

True to what the region has come to be known for ‘The Barossan’ is a quintessential expression of Barossa Shiraz.

Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Since its founding in 1785, the House of Piper-Heidsieck has proven its innovative prowess in selecting and blending wines of exception. Cuvée Brut is an emblematic multi-vintage champagne, elaborated from a blend of more than 100 crus sourced from 3 grape varieties of Champagne. Cuvée Brut boasts a fresh, elegant and harmonious profile. Its nose offers delicate notes of pear, white peach, citrus and orange blossom. The palate also reveals aromas of toasted bread, fresh almonds and mint. Sublime as an aperitif, a champagne for every occasion.

Pol Rémy Brut 750ml

A classic French sparkling. White-gold in colour that is fruity and delicate. A good balance between vinosity and roundness. A very pleasant wine. Best served chilled as an aperitif.

Prosper Maufoux Bourgogne Pinot Noir 750ml

For Bourgogne Pinot Noir, typicity is of the utmost importance. This wine is made from 100% Pinot Noir grapes from a blend of Côte d'Or, Saône et Loire and Yonne terroirs. Prosper Maufoux Bourgogne Pinot Noir is typical of the Pinot Noir grape variety: a fruity, fresh wine. On the nose, its aromas of blackcurrant and cherry are enchanting. On the palate, its supple tannins confirm its maturity. Its ageing in vats underlines its fruitiness and freshness.

Purple Death 750ml

Connoisseurs often drink this strange brew in conjunction with other beverages which complement, or mask, the delicate flavour of Purple Death.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris 750ml

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris, being a mutation of Pinot Noir, revels in the Central Otago conditions that suit Pinot Noir so beautifully - a long slow ripening period is desirable, with cool nights and warm days as the Autumn harvest approaches. The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Gris has a mineral acidity backbone and an off dry finish that gives the wine a delicious structure and refreshing style.

Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir 750ml

Land that was once a high country sheep station is now a flourishing vineyard. Sheep and rabbits co-existed on the land for quite some time but the sheep couldn't keep up with the nocturnal activity of the rabbits, and in the end were driven off the land. Rabbits now run free on the vineyard and fuelled by high altitude Pinot Noir, some are reputed to be the size of ponies, but that's another story... The Rabbit Ranch Pinot Noir is made in a very soft, fruit forward, low tannin style - a wine to be savoured and supped, rather than an assault on the senses.

Rabbit Ranch Rosé 750ml

Summer in a glass, dry Provençal style - crushed berries over alpine flower & citrus sorbet. Made from 100% Central Otago Pinot Noir fruit, lightly pressed to extract just enough colour to deliver the provencal-esque pale pink. Fermented dry to allow the delicate Pinot red fruit characters and cool climate minerality to hop across your palate.

Riviera Rosé Vin de Provence 750ml

Fresh and crisp on the palate with a dry finish. The aromas & palate are full of exotic fruits, strawberry and cheery with a hint of spice. The mouth is full and the fruit is persistent and salivating. Serve chilled.

Rockburn Cental Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Rockburn's 'hands-off' approach delivers a pure expression of Central Otago to your glass; an expressive nose and deeply fruited palate displaying vibrant notes of red and black cherry, rich mocha and supple, silky tannins leading into a very long finish. As always this wine shows classic Rockburn elegance, integrity and balance. Enjoy with friends over the next 4-9 years.
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